Child Abuse Review
At the cutting edge of a constantly changing field since 1992
About Child Abuse Review (CAR)
Child Abuse Review is an interprofessional journal for research, practice and policy in child maltreatment and is the official journal of the Association of Child Protection Professionals.

The Journal is a publication for all professionals working in the field of child protection, providing access to the latest research findings, practice developments, training initiatives and policy issues. While publishing research from leading international researchers, the Journal maintains a practice-orientated focus, actively promoting practice-relevant research and facilitating the use of research findings to enhance good practice and influence policy.

Articles are written and presented in an accessible format for an international multidisciplinary audience, including those working in the fields of child psychology, criminology, social work, social policy, paediatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, nursing, medical sociology and public health.

International in scope, coverage includes all forms of maltreatment, whether they occur inside or outside the family environment, interprofessional working, intervention and safeguarding. Each issue includes a mix of refereed research and practice papers, training updates, case studies, brief communications, book reviews and a calendar of future events.
Supporting professionals in safeguarding children since 1992
Child Abuse Review has remained at the cutting edge of a constantly changing field since 1992. The journal has exposed and examined new forms of child harm such as those posed by new technology, abuse in sport and child trafficking. Innovative interventions and therapeutic approaches have been evaluated and disseminated through the journal.

The Journal has been published in its current format since 1992. All past volumes are available online - Access the Journal.

The views expressed in the Journal are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of AoCPP, the Editorial Board or the organisations to which the authors are affiliated.

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