Lunch and Learn
Vicarious Trauma: An Exploratory Study of its Adverse Effects on Child Protection Practitioners in the UK – What Have We Learnt?
17th September 2024 - 12.00pm - 13.30pm
Speaker: Dr Geoff Debelle & Adrian Spanswick
Chair: Julie Taylor
Greater attention is now being paid to the adverse effects of vicarious trauma on individual practitioners working with highly vulnerable children and families, particularly within health and social work. Questions have also been raised by senior practitioners within the UK-based AoCPP (Association of Child Protection Professionals) and other professional forums about the possible affects of vicarious trauma on practitioner’s decision-making capacity but also to consider the impact of ongoing work with the family where one family member is the perpetrator of harm. AoCPP therefore decided to obtain a ‘snapshot’ of vicarious trauma and its possible effects amongst UK-based child protection professionals, as the basis for further study.
The session will allow exploration of the above and reflect the results allowing participants to discuss the responses and we wish to discuss limitations and next steps in repeating survey of AoCPP members and gain a wider understanding of other wider multi-disciplinary professionals working with vulnerable children. Session seeks to reflect on insight into the frequency of vicarious trauma from the respondents but gain views of those attending the session to reflect on the possible adverse effects on front line practitioners.