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Safeguarding in Sport Special Interest Group - 13 December 2022

The AoCPP reserve the right to cancel any event due to unforeseen circumstances such as changes in Covid restrictions, facilitator illness or insufficient uptake. We advise making bookings for transport and hotels that are refundable as we cannot be held liable for any costs incurred as a result of cancelled events.
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Meet The Speakers

What our members say

I think Child Abuse Review has gone from strength to strength and is of a consistently high standard. We have held numerous events that have been inspiring and enabling, such as the most recent Congresses and the Trainer's conference and award ceremony, the seminars to disseminate lessons from Serious Case Reviews. As resources get ever tighter, professionals have fewer and fewer opportunities to come together to exchange ideas and to learn together. We move more and more into silos because of work pressures. This is not the way to keep children safe. Association of Child Protection Professionals is needed to bring people concerned about child protection together to learn, to think, to shape policy and practice and to disseminate research. No-one else does this.

Enid Hendry, retired Social Work Consultant, Nottingham