Write an article - disseminate your research and best practice with practitioners and researchers internationally
Child Abuse Review welcomes contributions from the full range of disciplines engaged in child welfare and protection, including child psychology, criminology, social work, social policy, paediatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, nursing, medical sociology and public health. The Journal appeals to both the research and practice communities within this wide range of disciplines.
The Journal maintains a practice orientated focus and authors of research papers are encouraged to examine and discuss implications for practitioners. By always emphasising research/practice links, it is the Editors' aim to promote practice relevant research and to facilitate the use of research findings, to enhance good practice and influence policy.
The Editors welcome submissions of:
Disseminate your research and best practice with practitioners and researchers in over 4,400 institutions worldwide
Early view – accepted papers are published with a citable DOI in the Wiley Online Library before being allocated to an issue.
The journal publishes short reviews of books and training resources of interest to those working in all aspects of child protection.
Book reviews should be 360 words maximum and provide a concise evaluation of the text, keeping in mind the diverse interprofessional readership of the journal. If you would like to undertake a review, or suggest a book to be featured in the journal, please contact us at child.abuse.review@aocpp.org.uk
The Training Update section of the journal features professional development resources and materials in a variety of formats on a wide range of topics. Reviews are usually between 1,500 and 2,000 words and provide an assessment of the training and its impact on practice.
Recommendations for training materials to be featured in the journal are welcomed, as are expressions of interest in becoming a reviewer. Please contact us at child.abuse.review@aocpp.org.uk
All articles submitted to Child Abuse Review are subject to rigorous double blind peer review to ensure that the journal maintains the highest scientific standards. This means that both the identities of reviewer and author are concealed from each other throughout the review process. A minimum of two reviewers, with appropriate professional expertise in the topic addressed and a knowledge of research methodologies, are selected to review each article.
The Journal uses the online peer review system ScholarOne Manuscripts
To register your interest in becoming a peer reviewer, contact us at child.abuse.review@aocpp.org.uk
Child Abuse Review is supported by an international Editorial Board, whose members bring expertise from a diverse range of disciplines and professions to the journal’s work. In addition to reviewing manuscripts, board members advise on developments in policy, research and practice in their fields, promote the journal and offer advice on current and future journal issues.
From time-to-time, the Journal invites applications to join the Editorial Board. Currently, there are no vacancies but if you would like to be considered in the future, please contact us at child.abuse.review@aocpp.org.uk