The editorial team
Kish Bhatti-Sinclair Co-Editor
Head of Social Work and Social Care, University of Chichester

Kish is known for her work on social work, race and racism and is particularly interested in ethnically sensitive research methodologies and theories, such as modern racism, which test discriminatory attitudes and behaviours.

She has worked on commissioned evaluation projects which have enabled her to make recommendations directly to child protection agencies and has led on a number of publications which have questioned professional ideologies and beliefs, responses to child abuse within Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families, cultural racism, anti-Muslim racism and Islamophobia.

Dr Jenny Driscoll Co-Editor
Reader in Children’s Rights at King’s College London

I’m a Reader in Children’s Rights at King’s College London, where I have worked since 2005. Prior to that I was a barrister in independent practice in London, specialising in child protection. One of the reasons I left the Bar was the worry that we couldn’t be confident that care improved children’s outcomes, so in my PhD I followed a group of young people in care from 15-18 as they transitioned out of care. Since then I’ve undertaken research on the role of schools in safeguarding children and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on multi-agency child safeguarding practice. Currently I am leading a team from King’s College London and the University of Bedfordshire to evaluate the effectiveness of the work of Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships, in which AoCPP is a collaborator. I’m also interim co-editor of Child Abuse Review, AoCPP’s journal, which is fascinating work but a big commitment in time. I run an MA in International Child Rights and Development, which includes a module on Child Protection, and teach on a range of other programmes, including teaching trainee teachers about safeguarding.   

“We are both extremely excited about taking up co-editor roles for Child Abuse Review and are looking forward to continuing the great work of the previous editors, maintaining and developing the journal’s already excellent standards. We also firmly believe that strong alliances and collaborations between practitioners and researchers are essential to ensuring the journal reflects the ever-changing challenges faced by child protection professionals. For us, strong working relationships with the Editorial Board, AoCPP and its members, are essential to further integrating policy, research and practice, and, from the warm welcome we have received, we can see that this vision is shared.” - Kish and Jenny

Kish Bhatti-Sinclair - Co-Editor
Professor of Social Work and Social Policy University of Chichester, UK

Dr Jenny Driscoll Co-Editor

Reader in Children’s Rights at King’s College London

Associate Editors

Lee Sobo-Allen
School of Health and Community Studies, Leeds Beckett University, UK

William Baginsky (Training)
Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, UK

Jenny Driscoll
School of Education, Communication and Society, King’s College London, UK

Carlene Firmin MBE
Department of Sociology, Durham University, UK

Joanna Garstang
Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust, Birmingham, UK

Catherine Hamilton-Giachristis
Department of Psychology, University of Bath, UK

Gabriel J. Otterman
Uppsala University Children’s Hospital, Sweden

Kate Parkinson (Books Reviews)
School of Health and Society, University of Salford, UK

Prospera Tedam
Department of Social Wellbeing, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates

Edgardo Toro Quezada
School of Social Work, Pontifcia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile

Statistical Editor

Peter Kimani
Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, UK