Understanding child sexual abuse online: Managing risk and trauma after online sexual offending


A digital download of a session from our 2023 Child Sexual Abuse Learning Week. How to support and safeguard the...
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A digital download of a session from our 2023 Child Sexual Abuse Learning Week.

How to support and safeguard the whole family when a parent has viewed or shared child sexual abuse images.

This session will offer guidance and practical advice, combined with practice examples and case studies.

Natasha Sabin is a Practice Improvement Advisor at the CSA Centre

She is a Forensic Psychologist with professional experience in child sexual abuse. Natasha has worked within Youth Justice as a practitioner and manager specialising in harmful sexual behaviour. Natasha has also had roles within secure hospitals and custodial environments where she has predominantly worked with adult males who have committed sexual offences. Natasha is a visiting lecturer at the University of Birmingham, facilitating teaching sessions to Forensic and Clinical Psychologists in training.

Michael Sheath began his career as a Probation Officer for 10 years in custodial and community settings with sexual offenders before joining The Lucy Faithfull Foundation in 1997. His duties at The Foundation included the preparation of risk assessments for Family Courts dealing with both convicted and alleged offenders. He was commissioned to undertake whole community risk assessments of a number of UK Overseas Territories including the Falkland Islands.


Michael has developed a specialism in working with viewers of child sexual abuse material since 1998. He is a regular trainer on the Europol course for investigators and the author of a play and book, ‘Crossing the line’, which deals with secondary trauma as it affects families affected by, and those investigating the possession of child sexual abuse material.

About the video

Video length: 86 minutes

Featuring: Dr Natasha Sabin, Michael Sheath, AoCPP/CSA Centre staff and event delegates.

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I think Child Abuse Review has gone from strength to strength and is of a consistently high standard. We have held numerous events that have been inspiring and enabling, such as the most recent Congresses and the Trainer's conference and award ceremony, the seminars to disseminate lessons from Serious Case Reviews. As resources get ever tighter, professionals have fewer and fewer opportunities to come together to exchange ideas and to learn together. We move more and more into silos because of work pressures. This is not the way to keep children safe. Association of Child Protection Professionals is needed to bring people concerned about child protection together to learn, to think, to shape policy and practice and to disseminate research. No-one else does this.

Enid Hendry, retired Social Work Consultant, Nottingham